30 July 2008


Gchat is weirding me out. It seems to have a mind of its own, kind of like those robots who learn to 'think' for themselves and the whole planet is doomed. DOOMED!

Most of the world and this blog know me as Kathryn but some know me as Kat. My signature for my work email says Kat but for my gmail it says Kathryn and SOMEHOW gchat figured this out and switched my name for all my gmail/gchat stuff. I cannot figure out how to change the fecker back to my whole name. It is like some weirdo-mimickey device.

Not only has it changed my name but there are recommended sites on the side of my Inbox for topics I wrote about in emails. Also, topics are there about stuff that has been emailed to me. Can anyone explain this? Is it just me that thinks this is more than a little creepy? HOW does gmail know all this stuff? Gah!!

Mad Kat

The bf sent this to me and his brother today with "This reminds me of Kat when she is mad!":

I don't think this is 100% true. I'm quite sure I look nothing like this mad kitty whilst totally peeved off. Humph.

29 July 2008


I got the oddest email today. I am having difficulties concentrating at work now. And I am in need of sharing this bit of ridiculousness that came my way just now. An old high school classmate that I haven't seen in over 7 years and probably haven't talked to in almost 10 just sent this to me with the subject of "Apology":


Please forgive the intrusion; I just wanted to send you a quick note. I was talking with my sister the other day, and I don't recall how, but it came up that you thought I was a jerk/asshole in high school.

I want to apologize for anything I may have said or done in the past to give you that impression. My memory of you is of a very sweet and smart girl, and I would like you to know that if I was unkind, that it was never my intent.

Best of luck in your career/future.


I think I like the "Best of luck in your career/future" the most. Or the "I was a jerk/asshole" part. This is the LEAST likely person I thought I'd ever hear from and why would I CARE about what he was like when we were in 9th grade anymore? Plus, I don't think I've ever had such an official-document-type email from someone other than an employer or doctor.

So. Am thinking about possible replies. How about:

Dear Jon,

How nice of you to apologize for your apparent assholish tendacies way back when. I do accept it and thank you.

May you have a pleasant journey in life.


Or what about...

Dear Jon,

How weird to hear from you! Have you had some bad karma lately? Are you trying to make up for it like that movie whatsits with that guy who feels bad about past relationships so he calls all his exes to see what they're up to and apologize? You know the one I mean? You do! It's the one with that Cusack guy, I think. Wait. It possibly wasn't about karma. Maybe depression? Shit. Well, you know what I'm getting at. How's life?

So...will I forgive you? You know, I really don't think so. I just found you so upsetting in high school that it has haunted me ever since. It especially hurts me to see your facebook updates. I mean, what's with the wife and the baby? But, I do have a silver lining. You obviously care about me with this email. So possibly, I might be able to forgive you since you still clearly have feelings for me.

Uh-oh, it's just occurred to me that you didn't actually ask for my forgiveness in being a jerk/asshole but that you were just stating that you were sorry. Well, in that case, apology accepted. I mean, it wasn't really your fault, anyway. Most 15 year-olds I know (or used to know) act the same way. I don't really remember your face that clearly, either...were you a blonde?

Cheers, anyway! Have a fab life. Remember to vote Obama. I know your conservative-McCain-SUV-loving-facebook-statuses is a total cover for your real cool liberal persona. Ciao, ciao! Call me for lunch if you're in the city.

All the best!
Kathryn xxx

I am seriously considering sending reply #2.

21 July 2008

Gotta love the wind

The Windy City that is. I know, I know. This blog is turning into a billboard for Chicago. But fuckit, I love my town. Thanks to the new Batman film, it's getting more coverage than ever. Read here about the real Gotham. Thanks to Justina for the cool article.

19 July 2008

I heart summer

Just waking up from a 12 hour drinking, dancing, and music marathon.  I am surprisingly quick-witted and can hold down food.  I actually feel like a normal, functioning person.  The great boozeathon began around 2pm at work yesterday.  With home-made sangria, work was abandoned with indecent haste as we ran to the back of the office to get a plastic cup and fill it with dark red, fruity yumminess.

There's a little back room in our office that my co-worker has lovingly re-named the "Lava Lounge" with a piece of white computer paper and red marker taped above the door entrance.  It's the "Lava Lounge" because said co-worker brought in her red lava lamp and there are two tiny red sofas in the room.  The entire decor reminds me of one those cheesy "Romantic" hotels where they have heart-shaped bathtubs and beds.  It's even more hilarious and kitsch because we're in a brick industrial type building and the soft, sexy atmosphere she was trying to pull off looks odd and a little bit wrong.  I think this is why I love it so much.

Anywho, we're in the back ditching work getting pissed and eating taco dip.  The boss leaves for the day and the only thing that didn't kick the office into full-on party gear is the lack of music.  Good thing I had the world's largest block party to go to just a couple blocks away.  After 3 glasses of sangria a co-worker and I leave to walk over there.

18,000 people in this massive block listening to bands like Rusted Root and drinking gross bud-light was actually effing fantastic.  The skyscrapers were looming over us, the air was warm and steamy, the music was chill, and the socializing was jacked up to the highest notch.  

After the crazy-big block party ends, we catch a bus to a club to listen to some electro music and dance with lots of sweaty, smelly people.  If I weren't so hammered, I'd probably be totally grossed out.  But as it was, I think I was one of those sweaty, smelly people at that point.  And I didn't care!  I was happy and bouncy and more than a little wasted.  It is like a gift from somewhere not to be paying for my heavy boozing right now.  I kind of feel a little like I shop-lifted something and have gotten away with not getting caught.  

The best part is that it is only Saturday now and I have the weekend to look forward to.  Hurrah!

10 July 2008

Cool Stuff

The bf and I went to watch this tonight:

It's a pretty wicked film.  And one that hits close to home.  Literally.  Chicago is the real star of the movie.  Shots in the Loop, Lincoln Park, Lakeview, and other neighbourhoods in the city as well as the lovely (and dirty, hanging on by a shoestring) elevated (L) trains we all hold dear in our hearts.  It's fucking fabulous.

The film itself is interesting if melodramatic at times.  It's riveting and held my attention for all 108 minutes of it.  But...I think I was more interested in the director's take of Chicago to be honest.  Probably because whilst working in commercial property management I had to speak with this film's production assistants to organize shooting a car chase underneath Wacker Drive.  They also had to notify us of helicopters flying low and close to the building for footage.  It was pretty exciting.

What wasn't so exciting is when I left my mobile in a taxi and was driving to the Hyatt (where the cab driver had left it in the professional hands of the assistant manager) and the fucking brat of a PA wouldn't let me through due to the same car chase sequence being filmed (in a different area of downtown).  Apparently, the area was blocked off for the next 9 hours.  I think I said something equally bratty like, "What if I was staying in the Hyatt?  What would I do then?"

Seriously, though.  Check this out when you can.  My city is so bea-uuu-tiful.

09 July 2008

Confused and Martinis

It's always a bit difficult to meet up regularly with people you know if you lead a very busy life at the moment like moi (ahem). Right now I'm feeling quite guilty and more than a little like a bad friend.

A woman I used to work with and see every month or every other month has been making an effort to get closer to me and I haven't made any. I like her very much but I prefer our relationship of meeting for a chocolate martini every other month, talking for a few hours whilst getting squiffy, and then walking home promising to "meet up soon."

I was at a place tonight having yes, more martinis, with a close friend who is moving away soon when I received a text from the above person saying, "Ok, don't call me. Don't tell me how your new job is going." It was a little shocking to see this because I thought we were so comfortable in our sporadic martini meetings. However, I'm not sure I'm the one with a problem.

After the martini marathon, I walked home and called this person. No answer. Left a message. Got home and rang an hour later. No answer. Clearly, she is miffed. I'm not quite sure how to fix this? Perhaps send an email?

Maybe I should lay off the martinis. But then surely I'd never see this friend again as all our social friendliness is surrounded by chocolate and vodka. Or pear juice and vodka. Or apples and vodka. Or. Or...just vodka.

Oh dear.

02 July 2008

Fireworks and Stuff

Holiday weekend coming up.  This is a really nice thing to happen right now.  If it doesn't pour rain for a few hours, anyway.  BBQs, sausages, beer, lake, lots of greenery, family, and the bf makes a lovely Independence Day.  Music, too.  Hurrah for fun stuff!