29 July 2008


I got the oddest email today. I am having difficulties concentrating at work now. And I am in need of sharing this bit of ridiculousness that came my way just now. An old high school classmate that I haven't seen in over 7 years and probably haven't talked to in almost 10 just sent this to me with the subject of "Apology":


Please forgive the intrusion; I just wanted to send you a quick note. I was talking with my sister the other day, and I don't recall how, but it came up that you thought I was a jerk/asshole in high school.

I want to apologize for anything I may have said or done in the past to give you that impression. My memory of you is of a very sweet and smart girl, and I would like you to know that if I was unkind, that it was never my intent.

Best of luck in your career/future.


I think I like the "Best of luck in your career/future" the most. Or the "I was a jerk/asshole" part. This is the LEAST likely person I thought I'd ever hear from and why would I CARE about what he was like when we were in 9th grade anymore? Plus, I don't think I've ever had such an official-document-type email from someone other than an employer or doctor.

So. Am thinking about possible replies. How about:

Dear Jon,

How nice of you to apologize for your apparent assholish tendacies way back when. I do accept it and thank you.

May you have a pleasant journey in life.


Or what about...

Dear Jon,

How weird to hear from you! Have you had some bad karma lately? Are you trying to make up for it like that movie whatsits with that guy who feels bad about past relationships so he calls all his exes to see what they're up to and apologize? You know the one I mean? You do! It's the one with that Cusack guy, I think. Wait. It possibly wasn't about karma. Maybe depression? Shit. Well, you know what I'm getting at. How's life?

So...will I forgive you? You know, I really don't think so. I just found you so upsetting in high school that it has haunted me ever since. It especially hurts me to see your facebook updates. I mean, what's with the wife and the baby? But, I do have a silver lining. You obviously care about me with this email. So possibly, I might be able to forgive you since you still clearly have feelings for me.

Uh-oh, it's just occurred to me that you didn't actually ask for my forgiveness in being a jerk/asshole but that you were just stating that you were sorry. Well, in that case, apology accepted. I mean, it wasn't really your fault, anyway. Most 15 year-olds I know (or used to know) act the same way. I don't really remember your face that clearly, either...were you a blonde?

Cheers, anyway! Have a fab life. Remember to vote Obama. I know your conservative-McCain-SUV-loving-facebook-statuses is a total cover for your real cool liberal persona. Ciao, ciao! Call me for lunch if you're in the city.

All the best!
Kathryn xxx

I am seriously considering sending reply #2.


Blogger dbkundalini said...

That's interesting. I would just try to be gracious to the guy without being funny. I had a guy who always slugged me in the arm in high school, fairly mean kid. Then one day five or six years out of high school I happen to be in a line at a burger restaurant and there he is. Now we're all grown up and it's amazing that he's not slugging me in the arm. But he didn't say anything about being sorry.

2:56 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

dbkundalini- Hello there. I'm not even sure if I'm going to reply to be honest. I suppose I should just send something quick and polite. But it would be pretty funny to see his reaction...tempting. It is odd, though, when you see these people later on in life (not that I've seen this kid in yonks).

Let me know if you get an email someday from the slugger apologizing. Maybe he just needs a sister to remind him of how much of a mean kid he was. :)

3:03 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

I know it was a nice gesture for this person to do but I don't even remember why I told his sister once upon a time that he was a jerk/asshole. It is nice but quite funny all the same.

3:19 PM  
Blogger pierre l said...

Hello Kathryn. I am new to your blog (and cannot explain how I got here, except that you must have left a good comment on another blog I read).
To come to the point, this is very interesting: you are the second blogger in as many days (among the ones I read) to receive a letter or text message from a person who has previously been a bully.
I wonder - is there some campaign on "be nice and apologise today to someone you have bullied in the past". This is someone you had forgotten - I would ignore the letter:
1 why make him feel good
2 he might start writing to you regularly (and try to be friends)

4:43 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

pierre l- Hiya, thanks for dropping by. And that is interesting! There is a woman at work who has also been contacted by a couple of high school pals that she hasn't seen in about 20 years. Seriously. What's going on here?

I don't know if I'm going to respond to this guy yet. It's just so weird. And the email is super stiff. It's like he's a politician. Thanks for the advice, I'll post the outcome later on. :)

6:09 PM  
Blogger Alli Rose said...

I think that my favorite part is when you ask, "were you a blond". It clearly states that you were as uninterested in him as he was in you... my only comment is that this guy is a complete tool. I would either leave the latter comment or simply not reply. Actually, please reply. Further dialog with him would probably be great material... Did I mention that the ellipses is my favorite form of punctuation??

10:19 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Hi Alli! I think that whatever I reply to this guy he isn't going to be sending a return email. Which, by all means, is perfectly acceptable. Indeed, preferred. But should I even bother? Eh...

Btw, ellipses are so fun...:)

8:11 AM  
Blogger pierre l said...

Having just left a comment at
I noticed you had left a comment on the same post. The only other people who have said "Hiya" to me were from Berkshire (maybe even Bracknell). I hadn't noticed him on your blogroll before (I also frequent little.red.boat).

3:55 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Haha, 'Hiya' I seemed to have picked up ages ago, possibly from a past British boyfriend. Funny.

Brom and Anna are tops. They are two of the bestest blogs and chock-full of funny stuff. We have good taste!!

4:16 PM  
Blogger Lee Bemrose said...

That email sounds totally dodgy. When you said it sounded formal it made me think it's some kind of networking thing to establish contacts or something. I would totally delete its arse.

if it was a heartfelt apology... why the hell can some people not just leave the past alone? Freaks.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

I have no idea, haven't sent a reply. I just don't care enough. The weirdo.

Have gotten mixed reactions from people I've told, though. Some are like, "That is really nice of him!" and others say what you have, "Freak."

10:46 AM  
Blogger Brom said...

Just catching up on stuff after being megga bus and I see people have been talking about me behind my back!! lol

*Blush* Thank you for the comment about my blog. Totally flattered!

1:51 PM  
Blogger Brom said...

No I'm not a megga bus! ... I meant to type "Busy" .. of course!

1:52 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Nope, I do believe you are a megga bus, one of those ones that take me to Wisconsin to see my dad. Are you free next weekend? :)

And you're welcome! Thanks for the quality stuff. (And for reading the twitterings on here...)

8:27 AM  

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