12 June 2008

Craving Paris

Yes, Paris, darling! I miss it. Actually, I miss France in general. I've been thinking about this beautiful city for about a month now. Then over the weekend I picked up my favorite Hemingway book, A Moveable Feast. If my craving for Paris was a seed before it is in full bloom now due to Hem.

I miss the winding streets, the old buildings that all look the same so you easily get lost, the amazing museums, and of course, le food. In fact, Hemingway describes French food so deliciously that I found myself running to the nearest specialty supermarket and grabbing baguettes, fromage, et saucisse galore. And a bottle of chardonnay, mais oui.

It was tasty and rich. It filled one sort of craving but not the larger one that seems to be occupying my heart at the moment. A friend of mine is leaving his job, selling his flat, and moving to Spain to marry his boyfriend and live in the sun. I am gob-smackingly jealous. Fist in mouth jealous. He's doing everything I would love to do but due to present circumstances is impossible right now.

"Don't worry, Kathryn, you'll come visit us."

"Can we go to Paris? I miss Paris."

"The train to Paris isn't far away. We'll go and walk Le Champs D'Lysee, peruse the Louvre, sit at a terrace cafe and enjoy an apertif."

All I can think about is an early summer morning in Paris when I was 17. I woke up and walked out into the morning sunshine in le arrondissemont of Montparnasse. There were few people out and the city seemed sleepy. The leafy street trees were like cheerful friends and the air smelled exciting and foreign. It promised good things to come. I bought a croissant et une cafe then walked along the slowly waking streets pondering a distant future.

In the meantime, in a city far away from Paris, there's always Hemingway to help fill the immediate craving. I just wish I'd stop buying baguettes already. Unlike Hem, you can only have so much bread.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had your chance to go to France last summer, with me, but you preferred to stay here and work. I don't know what to tell you. :)

9:18 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Well, it was Paris or Burning Man. And I had never been to Burning Man.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Brom said...

I have never been to Paris, hell it's about the same distance from where I am now to my hometown in the UK. No excuse really. Well, OK I was offered a business trip one year to a conference in Paris, my insider knowledge told me say I was busy and to suggest I go to the following year's event, which I did. I have therefore never been to Paris, but I have been to Honolulu!

4:20 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Shame on you, Brom! Next few free days you get you should book a ticket to that lovely city and bring a loved one. Walk lots, eat lots, and love lots.

You have me on the Honolulu front, though. Can you believe that my family has been to Hawaii 15 times in the last 30 years and I have never gone once? Totally. Not. Fair.

10:59 AM  

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