Gotta love the wind
The Windy City that is. I know, I know. This blog is turning into a billboard for Chicago. But fuckit, I love my town. Thanks to the new Batman film, it's getting more coverage than ever. Read here about the real Gotham. Thanks to Justina for the cool article.
Hey, that's an interesting article...! I'm even more excited to see the movie now. It sounds like the critics have been overhyping the thing to hell, but we will still be able to enjoy it--if for nothing other than to see the transmutation of our homeland into the Joker's playground...
Yep, it's good stuff. x
A good friend and I were talking this weekend. He's spentsome time in Chigago and said some good things about the old Windy Village.
Your friend is very wise. When are you and Mrs.B coming over? :)
I almost never get to see movies on the big screen. This one I'm looking forward to.
Yeah, looks really good. It's another one close to my heart because I feel like I got to know the crew so well walking past all those trailers for 4 months straight last year. Especially the Batman double who was always coming out of McDonald's and one time almost hit me with his trailer door. Plus, this was another movie that we had to help organize car chase/wreck scenes outside our building. And I'll never forget walking up from the subway one day and an old bank was now called Gotham Library. It's pretty funny and cool.
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