20 August 2008


I am going to be taking a break from my blog for awhile. Since I am leaving for London again in a couple of days and there is some sad drama going on, it seems my writing has gotten worse and worse. I know it is silly crap that I usually put up but I didn't originally start the blog with that in thought. Thanks to everyone for being lovely and actually reading it. I'll start up later, I'm sure. Take care and have a great rest of the month.

15 August 2008


Every now and then, since I was a little girl, I get stopped by random strangers (and sometimes crazy ones) complimenting my hair. When I was young it was embarrassing because I hated having red hair and the only people who seemed to like it were middle-aged women going gray. Now it's a little different but the random middle-aged women bit isn't.

Whilst shopping in the "Ethnic" aisle of my local supermarket today after work, I was stopped by a lady mouthing something to me. Is she talking to me? I pull out my ipod earphones and said, "Sorry?"

"I said I like your red hair, is it real?"


"It's not out of a bottle? I've always wanted red hair." Said wistfully with a little spittle.

"No, it's natural."

"Where did you get it? Are you sure you didn't dye it?"

"Quite. I got it from my family, thanks."

"My grandmother had red hair but I didn't get it. It's so sad."

"You have to have relatives on both sides of your family to have red hair." Pointed out helpfully.

"Did you know that Lisa Marie Presley is having TWINS?" Said with eyebrows raised.

"Um. No, I didn't. That's very interesting." Baffled.

"Yes, and one of them will be called Jesse. After Elvis's brother. I don't know what the other one will be called. They didn't tell me." Lots of spittle and eyebrow-raising.

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, everyone wants to know!"

"Of course! It's important." Clarity dawns in her eyes like one who has found someone else who understands. "Well, I have to run. Have a great day!"

"Take care of your hair!" I hear her say as I turn away.

Man. It's so refreshing to get a nice crazy like that after awhile. Made my day.

05 August 2008


Last week I posted a random email apology sent to me from a former classmate that I haven't spoken to in years. I was torn as to whether I should send any response since I honestly don't remember why this person is apologizing in the first place. But in the end, I have sent one because, well, even though I feel like this person shouldn't have bothered sending me an apology he did take the time to do it. Here is what I ended up sending to him:

Hi Jon,

Sorry for the delay in responding; things are a bit busy at the moment. Thanks for the nice email but don't worry about anything, I can't even remember why I may have thought those things. It looks like you're doing well from your facebook stuff and I'm glad everything is working out for you.

Take care,

Short, nice, and not very personal. I even snuck in a semi-colon in the first sentence like he did. I think it's a good reply.