31 December 2008

New Year's and Blogiversary

Just back from England again and while it is always lovely to catch up with the friends and family, I think this will be the last time I go there for awhile.  There are just too many other places to see in this world and my friends will always be there for me to crash on their couch and seek out a pint or two.  It was also slightly depressing to be away from my family at Christmas time, which was kind of unexpected for me.

This month also marks my 3rd year of this blog.  Can't believe I've been writing bits and bobs (and let's face it, full-on crapness at times) on here for that length of time.  Doesn't feel like 3 years at all.  Time speeding up, apparently.  Which definitely means I'm getting older.  

Tonight I'm off to a big house party at my friend, Sydney's.  I love Sydney.  I adore her.  And if I were attracted to girls she would probably be the 'love of my life' or some such but as it is, I just have a normal 'girl-crush' on her and therefore just want to be around her quite a lot and mimic her.  It's a bit surreal to be ringing in 2009 already but hey, it's looking to be a fab year and I'm sure it'll be better than 2008.  Good times!  And Happy New Year's!

20 December 2008


This last week has made me realize just how much of a woman I am. Every morning, I've been at the dining room table sobbing over my oatmeal and coffee like I just found out I could never travel again. And it wasn't even sad sobbing, for chrissakes! It's all this book's fault. It's too soul-touching for its own good. And I absolutely adore it.

I am such a bloody girl it's a little bit disgusting even to me who doesn't even fancy shoes (except cool sneakers. A little bit of a tangent: I am not a shoe girl whatsoever and it really makes me wonder why. I think it may have something to do with my tremendous dislike of my calves and my fear of the dreaded cankles. See? See? Am having a paranoid bout of my femaleness, which I have been told is ridiculous but yet I continue to harp on about fat calves. Bringing me nicely back to the book...) She travels to Italy to eat (hurrah! Who doesn't want pizza in Italy?), then India to pray (connecting with God and letting things that bother you just go), then to Indonesia to study with a lovely old medicine man. It's so well-written and lovely and I feel like I am getting a new girl crush on someone I have not met.

Anyway, been thinking about loads of stuff and opening sketchily patched-up holes in myself all week. It's been kind of painful but healing at the same time. I think I'm realizing a bit late that this is actually a Self-Help Book. And I like it.

14 December 2008

Destin, FL

From journal this weekend:

Great wealth of beachy pastel homes.  Like set of Edward Scissorhands suburban life with crazy colors  but moved to the Gulf of Mexico.  And empty.  Most, anyway.  There's a sad abandoned air to Destin suggesting happier, sandier times.  Every other home or condo is up for sale or has a 'For Rent' sign in front.  Very gorgeous, though.  So pretty.  Makes you want to move here if the threat of hurricanes weren't so very real.  And all the food weren't fried.  Must be Southern Life.

Dad is such a charmer.  Always ready with a nice compliment to men and women alike, but especially to women.  Full of useless facts, too.

Apparently, all the palm trees in Destin have been brought in from further south in Florida.  No palms native here.  Just sand and weeds.  Rich people, too.

There is the whitest sand I've ever seen here.  Coming from the mid-west, it is easy to think you're amongst snow but then I remember the warmer temps.  Beautiful white sand meeting the Gulf.  So shimmering and smooth, I almost want to taste it.

08 December 2008

More good stuff

So tired but in a pleasant way. Been working quite hard recently writing some articles for my Company's website. They won't be published until next week but I'm feeling pretty good about them.

The turkey bloat has finally subsided and I'm feeling semi-normal again. It's a good thing I won't be around here for Christmas - talk about gorging. Honestly, why do we have no self-control as soon as the weather temp hits -10C outside? It's gotta be like bears preparing for hibernation or something.


01 December 2008


The big turkey day was last week and I am still sifting through the leftovers. There's something so comforting about turkey. Makes me sleepy and warm. And incredibly lazy. I'm not sure how people can get so effing shopping crazy the day afterwards when we are packed to the gills with carbs and bird. I do turn over every few hours to avoid bedsores. But otherwise I'm staying put on the couch with either-

a) movies
b) turkey
c) chocolate
d) pumpkin pie
e) turkey sandwiches
f) laptop
g) blankets
h) turkey, turkey, turkey!!

Gah! Lookit what this tasty gobbling beast does to me! I'm a crazed American on her way to the inevitable obesity that awaits each and every one of us in this country. Gimme the damn turkey. I need nothing else.

*cuddling bird meat*