21 January 2009


My company laid me off today.  Along with 6 others.  It really sucks balls because I thought it was the sweetest job ever and I didn't see it coming.  Although, in retrospect, I probably should've.  Shitty economy and all that.  Nevermind.  I'll find something else.  More travel, perhaps.  

Just so sad what's going on not just in this country but all over the world.  It's pretty scary, actually.  I have a friend who's been out of work looking for a job since August!  I blame the Bush Administration and the greedy effing bankers out there.  Seriously, how could they not see this coming?  Total fuck-ups.

I'm handling it better than I thought I would but I'm still dreading the trip to the unemployment office tomorrow, along with a call to my recruiter.  Argh...so crap when you have a great job and then you longer don't.  Sure it will all work out somehow, some way and I'll probably look back and say, "No doubt it was just meant to be."

16 January 2009

Let the door kick your ass on the way out, Dubya

Thank fuck, it's about time to get rid of the monstrous disease that has been squeezing this country dry the last 8 years. I am, of course, talking about the Bush Administration. The malignant ooze that's been pussing on us and basically destroying any good relations we had in the international community. It's such a blessing the American people finally saw through the conservative bullshit and voted in Obama. He's like water after a seriously dire drought. And now we can begin to rebuild our tattered reputation, not to mention domestic problems.

Thanks to my friend, Justina, here is a lovely little article I'm sure Bushy will always look fondly on: So Long Worst President Ever; 10 Reasons History Will Hang You.

It's just a shame that Dubs and his fucking insane cronies (aka, the "Administration") aren't going to jail. They should languish in a shitty prison in the middle of Guantanamo Bay with daily bouts of waterboarding. So, George, see ya later. I won't miss you a fraction of a centimeter. Here's hoping you fully realize how much you've ruined this country and seriously think about killing yourself. It'd probably be the best thing you would ever do for us.

13 January 2009

2009 is gonna be interesting

Still can't believe it's a New Year but somehow it's not affecting me quite so badly as it usually does. 2009 feels good. I like the prime-numberiness of it.

Sydney's New Year's party was amazing. Honestly, the best New Year's hands down. Ever. Kids we didn't know crashed the party and we all got really squiffy-faced and danced like maniacs. My dress came undone constantly due to faulty buttons and I had to keep asking people to help me put it back together. It's a good thing the boobage wasn't blatantly falling out, at least.

And now. It's back to work. *Sigh* But I see lots of travel coming up during the latter part of the year so right now it's time for me to get down and dirty in saving c-a-s-h. That means filthy nights in watching films and reading novels. Not full of the good clean fun I get whilst triapsing around this marvelous snow-infested city.

Below captures the 'blurriness' of me and Syd perfectly. She's so cool...