15 April 2009


From journal


Had such a nice time in Sydney.  The whole week was a blur of laughing, drinking, and Tim Tams.  It was pretty magnificent.  Now I'm on Travel Comedown.

The Travel Comedown

I would compare the travel high to some quality drugs.  It lifts you up bringing you to new blissful heights full of new people, new places; the strange and magical.  You're flying--coasting.  Surfing the travel waves of wonderment.

Sure, there are some bad trips.  You get stuck in an airport for 3 days in Malaysia.  With no air-con.  Your shit gets stolen in South America and there's no one nearby to immediately help.  Or you get herpes by that hot hottie European guy who you just couldn't say no to.*  Yeah, that sucks.  Real hard.

But despite the pit-falls and perils, the travel is worth it.  Such beauty out there.  Such ugly.  We travel because we want to see both worlds.  I want to see both worlds.  Intense curiousity coupled with extreme motivation makes me move.  On to the next destination.  Show me what you got.  Don't hold back.  It's perfect.  You're perfect.  Travel is my ultimate addiction.  Gimme my fix any day, everyday; just give it to me.

And then...there's reality.  "Normality."  Everyday 9-5 life.  And all the hours in between.  It's this time that I find difficult.  I'm constantly itchy.  Itchy with the travel itch.  I cling on to others who are having a stab at the 'travel thing.'  I pummel them with questions.  Where are you going?  What did you do?  What did you see?  Who are you now?  You know, traveling vicariously.  Waiting anxiously until it's my turn again.  And to be honest, I've probably had more turns than is due to me.  But wait, what bullshit, yeah?  Priorities.  You make 'em.  Travel is my #1 so those turns are due to me.

But coming down from the travel high is crap.  Everyday colors are that little bit duller.  Everyday scents aren't as poignant or meaningful and food just isn't as exotic as you'd like it to be.  There's a melancholy settling in.  A light depression.  Sometimes it's so light you don't really notice it until you're alone and all of a sudden you sigh.  And think, "It's just not as nice here.  I wish I were there."  

Am on the job hunt right now.  It should be interesting to see how this plays out.  And when I can get another hit of my fix.

*None of that actually happened to me but it so could've...


Blogger Lee Bemrose said...

As addictions go, it's not a bad one. But all addictions have highs and lows, as you say.

And you've embraced it and it's what you want out of life, so there's nothing wrong with that.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Dina Roberts said...


I found you via Lee's blog : )

I can relate to the post-travel feelings.

I had it REALLY bad last year.

It was awful. I mean I became really depressed, not mildly....

But in most cases, I think it helps to start planning a new trip. Or just have one in mind.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Lee- I suppose it's how you deal with the comedown that matters. Pro-active and positive, all that hoopla. No sense whinging, really, even though that's what I feel like doing. At least once I get the cash, I'll have my plan of action ready and waiting.

Dina- Hello! How are you? Isn't that kind of depression just kind of...depressing? Not in an 'oh-my-god-I-am-so-terribly-depressed' type of way but a sad clingy film that wraps you up completely. I've decided to plan a new trip. The question is where? A big one or small one? Hmm...those questions I quite like.

8:46 PM  
Blogger Clyde said...

Plenty to see and plenty of time to see it all.
Once you get that job it will just be a springboard to more travel
Even weekenders are great.
It's that time of the tear to head north---but I'm guessing that our cold is not your cold

6:47 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Clyde- You're so right; Australia's cold has nothing on the brutal Chicago winters. But you get used to the warmth here so any chill isn't real nice. Ahh...wish I had a job already! Would be happily saving away instead of going to shit group interviews.

2:46 AM  
Blogger Clyde said...

Keep on going mate
You will get there

6:36 AM  

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