Free hugs and lots of drinking
I had the best time ever in Sydney this last week. Went back to my old haunts to see some old friends and visit new ones. And wow, I was totally blown away by how cool the whole experience was. I also love all the crazy and random shit that was strewn about this hilly city. From the reindeer busker during a tanty-fight, to the massively littered Kings Cross, and even the enterprising schoolboys in Wynyard station holding up a 'Free Hugs' sign (which, by the way, I fully hugged both of them. At the same time.).
It was a fantastic trip. Can't wait to go back and do it all over again. All the people I met up with were lovely. One in particular was quite fun and funny and I would probably hang out with them like all the time if I lived in Syd. But this person isn't very far away so I can pretty much count on meeting up with them now and then.
Now it's job hunting time... I suppose the 3 months of unemployment/holiday are over. Let the fun begin and may I strike lucky with a job! Hellz yeah.
Isn't it a bugger that we have to work
There is a lot more to see but I guess you need the money
Glad you are enjoying yourself
Good luck with the job hunt
Good luck with the job hunting. Bit of a crappy time to be looking for a job but I think you'll be fine.
I laughed so much. It was so good.
Clyde- Yeah, it kinda sucks. But I think it might be alright. Think I'll do something completely different and become a waitress again. The little to no responsibility thing is looking mighty fine.
Lee- Thanks, yeah, it's a bit crap but I think I'll manage to swing something. OMG, we had the best time ever! Seriously, I'm coming back up to Syd and we're gonna run amok and laugh and laugh and laugh. hehe
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