14 December 2008

Destin, FL

From journal this weekend:

Great wealth of beachy pastel homes.  Like set of Edward Scissorhands suburban life with crazy colors  but moved to the Gulf of Mexico.  And empty.  Most, anyway.  There's a sad abandoned air to Destin suggesting happier, sandier times.  Every other home or condo is up for sale or has a 'For Rent' sign in front.  Very gorgeous, though.  So pretty.  Makes you want to move here if the threat of hurricanes weren't so very real.  And all the food weren't fried.  Must be Southern Life.

Dad is such a charmer.  Always ready with a nice compliment to men and women alike, but especially to women.  Full of useless facts, too.

Apparently, all the palm trees in Destin have been brought in from further south in Florida.  No palms native here.  Just sand and weeds.  Rich people, too.

There is the whitest sand I've ever seen here.  Coming from the mid-west, it is easy to think you're amongst snow but then I remember the warmer temps.  Beautiful white sand meeting the Gulf.  So shimmering and smooth, I almost want to taste it.


Blogger Lee Bemrose said...

Nice post. Evocative. Is good :)

Just saw a play called Rabbit. Good stuff. Very funny and thinky. Lots going on. Lots about the relationship between a dad and an offspring. This is alien territory to me. I do like it though when people have healthy bonds with their parents. It's like when you watch a bird take off and fly; it's an impressive thing you know you'll never experience.

Your dad sounds nice.

(Don't taste the sand).

7:03 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

No, I didn't taste the sand but I'm not gonna lie, I almost bent down for a lick. So lovely. Almost like grainy icing.

Rabbit sounds interesting. If it came to Chicago I might be tempted to check it out. My dad is really the best guy in the world. Just wish he weren't so stubborn. Guess I take after him...

I know what you mean about alien territory but about different things. It's fascinating in a way where if it were a film (or a car wreck) you can't really take your eyes off it in either wonder or horror.

And thank you.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Brom said...

If I lived there I'd open a travel agents specialising in trips to India, China etc and call it Destin-Asian.

1:44 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Haha. Actually, one of our vendors at work is 'Destination Asia.' I think I like yours more, though. ;)

Hey, I'm in London next week...fancy pints with Greavsie?

2:40 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

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2:40 PM  

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