05 August 2008


Last week I posted a random email apology sent to me from a former classmate that I haven't spoken to in years. I was torn as to whether I should send any response since I honestly don't remember why this person is apologizing in the first place. But in the end, I have sent one because, well, even though I feel like this person shouldn't have bothered sending me an apology he did take the time to do it. Here is what I ended up sending to him:

Hi Jon,

Sorry for the delay in responding; things are a bit busy at the moment. Thanks for the nice email but don't worry about anything, I can't even remember why I may have thought those things. It looks like you're doing well from your facebook stuff and I'm glad everything is working out for you.

Take care,

Short, nice, and not very personal. I even snuck in a semi-colon in the first sentence like he did. I think it's a good reply.


Blogger Brom said...

I've just reaslised that I include the phrase "Things are a bit busy at the moment" in 75% or more of my correspondence.

Ohhh.. you old semi colon sneaker you!

5:44 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

It's a great phrase. And sometimes true. :)

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup! Looks right to me. Very... professional and polite.

10:41 AM  

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