22 February 2008

Off on an Adventure

About to leave for a little while to travel around Brazil. I am really excited but at the same time my nerves are doing starjacks. I'm hoping South America is everything that I've heard. I'll check in from time to time so that people know I haven't been kidnapped. But for now, I'm off to samba-land!

18 February 2008

Missing Burning Man

As the weather is pretty shit at the moment in this part of the world I can't help but miss the crazy heat of the desert.  I find myself missing not just the nutty hotness of that glorious and extreme place but the entire atmosphere.  I want to ride my bike into the middle of nothingness during the middle of the night.  Then hop over to the Opulent Temple for a gritty stomp.  I want the giant Cheshire Cat art car to pick me up and take me to 10:00.  Then I'll glance over and see a birthday cake float by.  But most of all, I want to be there with my friends Jami, Kristin, and Graham wandering the Playa in search of wonderous people and music.

Below is a highlights vid from BM 2007.  It's not mine but the people who posted it captured Burning Man wickedly.

14 February 2008


Very commercial, I know, but oh-so-sweet in some ways. The bf is high on the 'Things that I adore' List at the moment. And for people who can't take too much sacchrine sweet lovey-dovey shmuck-stuff then I advise you to look away. Go play on Wikipedia for a few minutes. No? Alright, but I said it's sugar.

I walked into the flat last night and saw 2 dozen roses waiting for me. Aww. And tonight we are going to eat French food (Je voudrais le snails, s'il vous plait et vite!) and act all You're-gonna-puke-we're-so-cute in front of everyone. It's not everyday we are like that but on rare occasions such as today, it is allowed. So there. Get your waste bin ready.

Usually Valentine's is pretty crap. I mean, let's be real, there is shit weather outside and if you're not in the midst of the greatest love affair of all time (or just a normal relationship) then all the cutesy-crap is annoying and offensive in some cases. But at the end of the day, having a specific chance to be romantic is not such a bad thing. Plus, you can eat as much chocolate as you want without being judged. I'm getting the good stuff out tonight.

Happy Valentine's Day! If you're not with someone special, I hope you have the best quality chocs because honestly sometimes that's better, anyway.

12 February 2008

Work Angst

Working sucks. For the majority of us, anyway. We may enjoy essentially what we do but there are days when I think a lot of us want to run out the door leaving the dust to settle behind us. Lately I have been a bit stressed due to be the large work load I've got at the mo. I sent a particularly angsty email to the bf today bitching about the tenants:

"I am ready to kill myself I hate work so much today. EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS CALLING AT ONCE AND DEMANDING STUFF THAT I CAN'T PROMISE!!! Fuckers. I hope they all get in car accidents on the way home tonight. Dammit. Look what my job has turned me into. I'm poo. xx"

The bf replied shortly thereafter with this sweet message:

"Honey, it is natural to despise the world and the various humans that litter its surface. You need to listen to more heavy metal and angsty '90s hard rock so that your pain can be given a more meaningful aesthetic structure."

I am getting out the Nirvana and Nine Inch Nails as I type. Let the head bangs commence and the meaningful aesthetic structure begin.


Since I was young I have always been fascinated by the supernatural.  Anything paranormal I usually get a thrill out of.  Halloween, ghosts, Salem witches, haunted houses, poltergeists, anything.  I'm too much of a chicken to chase after any of that stuff (i.e. the Ouija board, night-time rendezvous through graveyards or even those make-shift haunted houses down the street in October).  No, I just like to read about it or watch it on tv.  

But I pay a price if I OD on a particularly scary show or story.  Because my stupid overactive imagination starts playing dirty tricks on me.  I start hearing noises that aren't there, or when I close my eyes whilst washing my face I'm afraid there will be a face in the mirror that's not mine when I open them.  I don't know why I always go back for more.  Some sort of twisted interest drives me.  

Perhaps it's because I've had the odd one on one experience with spirits.  Starting when I lived on a campus that had 6 people die in a 6 month span.  Then I moved to a very old country that had a lot of history.  And there was some creepy crap going on.  A haunted dorm, a spooky pub, and a house built on the bones of children.  After that happened it just increased my interest but as I said, I'm a bit cowardly.

It makes me wonder what happens after we leave this world.  Being agnostic I believe there must be something but I just don't know what it is.  In the mean-time I'll amuse myself by watching others deal with the deceased.  

06 February 2008


Been cruising the gossip pages and found this tidbit of ridiculousness. Who are these people kidding? The sneaky sci-fi weirdos. It's good to see that Tom and his "religion" can't always slide their odd behavior under the closet door.

This is good old-fashioned rebellion at its best. And I fully support Jenna Hill Miscavige in her speaking out of the CA based cult. Yes. Cult. You heard me, LRH lovers. It may not be the kool-aid taking type but still.

How the hell can anyone read through Dianetics, anyway? It's worse than the Bible. Only I can't grasp how people believe in a book written in the '50s by a sci-fi writer. But perhaps it is just as crazy for people to believe in parables from 2000 years ago. Or am I wrong? Maybe it is all backwards and Mr. Hubbard was a messiah of some sort? Surely not. Look at the abomination called Battlefield Earth.

All I know is that if I had to be forced into this so-called religion then I would probably end up doing the same thing that Jenna is. She's been brought up with it and still couldn't be brain-washed! Take that, Tom.

05 February 2008

Twilight Zone

This morning instead of entering the office I stepped into another dimension. One where my boss says inappropriate shit and thinks it is okay.

I walked into the kitchen and found bosslady reading the paper. "So sad. The shooting over the weekend." Said as she flips urgently through the Tribune.

"Yes. Bad stuff. A friend abroad was worried about me but I wasn't here." I pour coffee into a big mug and open the fridge for milk.

My boss then throws her paper on the table. As if she is having a fit. I look up from the fridge inquiringly as she says, "My friend from college was shot there." Then turns away with a pout on her face.

"Really? That's horrible!" The milk is forgotten and I'm paused with the cool fridge air on my hip.

Then she chuckles at something hilarious, "No. Just kidding. Hahaha!" And as she's walking away from the kitchen I hear her mutter, "But it is sad, though."

Who does that? Why would she think that it would be funny to say she knew someone who was killed over the weekend to me? Very bizarre. I am seriously wondering who I am working for. A property manager or an alien.