12 February 2008


Since I was young I have always been fascinated by the supernatural.  Anything paranormal I usually get a thrill out of.  Halloween, ghosts, Salem witches, haunted houses, poltergeists, anything.  I'm too much of a chicken to chase after any of that stuff (i.e. the Ouija board, night-time rendezvous through graveyards or even those make-shift haunted houses down the street in October).  No, I just like to read about it or watch it on tv.  

But I pay a price if I OD on a particularly scary show or story.  Because my stupid overactive imagination starts playing dirty tricks on me.  I start hearing noises that aren't there, or when I close my eyes whilst washing my face I'm afraid there will be a face in the mirror that's not mine when I open them.  I don't know why I always go back for more.  Some sort of twisted interest drives me.  

Perhaps it's because I've had the odd one on one experience with spirits.  Starting when I lived on a campus that had 6 people die in a 6 month span.  Then I moved to a very old country that had a lot of history.  And there was some creepy crap going on.  A haunted dorm, a spooky pub, and a house built on the bones of children.  After that happened it just increased my interest but as I said, I'm a bit cowardly.

It makes me wonder what happens after we leave this world.  Being agnostic I believe there must be something but I just don't know what it is.  In the mean-time I'll amuse myself by watching others deal with the deceased.  


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