28 January 2008

Bush is a filthy monkey

The President's (ha! can barely type that) State of the Union address is on at the moment and he's still going on about the same shit as 5 years ago. Iraq this. Terrorists that. Staying in Persian Gulf hoopla. Apparently all of us Americans are supposed to be thankful for him and his admin starting an illegal war, wasting billions upon billions of our money, and let's not even talk about how down stream America's international rep has gone.

I can't stand Bush. He can't seem to get a single sentence out of his mouth without fucking it up in some way. Who knows what muck he's going to get us into this year. Roll on the election!!


Blogger Justina said...

I watched it and all I could do was counteract every bullshit statement he made. "20,000 troops are coming home"! Yeah. But how many of them, in a couple of months, will have to turn around and go back for their third or god forbid, FOURTH tour of duty?! "We're making America safer for the future".... Don't even get me started!

The most fucked up thing is that when he was done, walking around doing his meet and greet, a woman who wanted his signature, said to him, "[I want you to know] you make me proud to be an American"!

Needless to say I have the opposite sentiment! Dirtbag!

The other thing that pissed me off was when he was talking about the progress in that was made in Afghanistan. He said that "children are able to go to school now" (Not true! There was a report last week saying that the Taliban or other fucked up people have been attacking schools, schoolchildren and teachers more this past year than ever before because these men are trying to force as many young men and boys as possible to go train in madrassas and other camps!

Bush on Afghanistan: "3200 Marines are heading over there and they are going to train the Afghani army and fight with them". I read a great article in Esquire last week about these two top tier security analysts who worked in the state department and the NSA who are saying that Condi Rice REFUSED in 2002 (right before the 'Axis of Evil' State of the Union Address) to give extra troops to BOTH Pakistan and Afghanistan gov't saying that their security problems were their own problems to handle! Now that they have fucked things up so badly in the middle east, NOW they want to send troops?

Surge my ass! Scourge is more like it!

I think everyone who hates Bush should call in sick to work on 1.20.09, throw a damn block party and celebrate as that fucker walks out the White House. Good Riddance To A Fucking Bastard!

Whew! Glad I got that off my chest before I went to sleep! Sleep tight Kathryn and don't let the GOP's bite!

12:01 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Whoa, I feel your anger, Justina. As soon as you get the details for the block party ready, let me know!

There is no doubt this has been the worst Presidency ever. They got it totally wrong. But as my friends, Jami and Jake said, "If the retard hadn't won, then maybe we wouldn't have met!"

You never know. I still hate the dirty baboon. And his cohorts.

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES! i love the idea of calling in sick for that and having a party!

5:09 PM  

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