28 September 2008

I can see Russia from my house

While I know a lot of smart people live in America, there is an overwhelming amount of stupid folk. Idiots who voted Bush in for a second term after accepting his first stolen one. I am afraid that McCain is on his way to winning and even though he chose this gem of a running mate, it may not even matter she seems kind of retarded. If McCain dies (I mean, heaven forbid), Palin could be our next president. Fucking great. I hope Obama wins because it will be the only way to get back on track in this country, not to mention internationally. Below is the real interview of Sarah Palin with Katie Couric and then the parody which is almost verbatim. Shocking.



26 September 2008

Not a spider

Bird on my apartment window.  Found out later it's a falcon introduced into the city to eat pigeons.  They're the good guys.

How is it staying on the window? Why? How? So many questions...At least it's not a spider.

15 September 2008

Back and all that

Got back a couple weeks ago from a lovely trip across the pond again. I think this may have been the best trip in years. I went to a heart-stoppingly beautiful wedding in Greenwich, almost got trampled by a million people at the Notting Hill Carnival, hung out with some rockers in Camden, kicked back in like 50 pubs, drank god-knows-how-many pints, visited the British Museum for the umpteenth time, wandered around Oxford with best-mate Shelley (drunk and hungover), and met up with numerous friends. Lots 'o fun.

Now I'm back to reality and it's honestly not too bad. There's lots of other stuff to look forward to. Fall is in the air with the smell of wood-smoke, leaves changing, and my favorite holiday, Halloween, is just around the corner. The only bad thing is that it gets colder and colder, eventually leading to the dreaded, freezing-world-of-pain winter. No matter. Good stuff ahead.

Below: Notting Hill Carnival Native American head-dress dude. He looked pretty great.

-A Hells Angel in Camden. After I took this pic his friend leaned over to me and said, "Don't do that again."
-The largest sweets stall I've ever seen in Oxford. Mmmm. Sweets. Yum.

03 September 2008

Old & Sexy

Saw an elderly lady hobbling onto the bus this morning wearing a hot pink shirt proudly saying "I'm too sexy to be 80." Love it.

She did look like a sexy grandma if you know, you're into that type of thing.