I work in an office surrounded by women. Being a woman myself I should know how neurotic and difficult we can be. I should know but I am constantly surprised by the amount of criticism the women I work with pile on each other each day. Women are known to be bitchy and it's true. Why must we be terrible towards each other when we should be banding together, a union for the better?
Maybe it is because women feel more insecure? I know there's a lot of complaining in the office of "I'm too fat!" and "What a bitch!" but what I'm really tired of is the bickering back and forth due to the disagreement of an opinion. Like the example below:
If I make a comment that I dislike the American President one woman will jump down my throat that if I don't like America then I should move to another country (and for those who know me, I gladly would if it weren't for those pesky immigration laws!!). But why couldn't this woman take criticism about President Bush? I didn't say I disliked her I said I disliked the leading figure of America (and his Cabinet, too). I find this intolerance to criticism doesn't only apply to women but since I am surrounded by them I feel like it is at the moment. It is so strange. I haven't found this anywhere else in the world but I'm thinking it is due to the type of media we have here in the States, the "You're either with us or Against us" mentality. Everyone is sensitive to being criticised which is sad because I believe America should take this criticism and turn it into something positive.
Yes, it may be hard to take criticism (women find it especially hard, I think) but shouldn't women and men respect each other's opinions? Why must some strive to make others feel inferior because they believe in something different? Perhaps it's due to narrow-minds and a lack of imagination...Well back to work...rant over and may I be less critical in the future (unless it's about the Bush Administration).