My phone company is run by Satan
Lately I've had the big things in life go well (i.e. job, love life, mates) but it's the small, ordinary everyday things that are really starting to hang me up. A couple of months ago, it was the other way around. It just goes to show that when one thing starts going spectacularly well in your life, another thing goes terribly wrong.
I was wrong in my last blog. I didn't jinx myself, I did end up getting what I wanted, it just took a bit longer than I expected. I'm so frustrated about the DJ gig I've got going at the moment. My manager is too disorganised and unprofessional and I think I'm going to start looking elsewhere. I just want to play music, he wants a talk-show. You can see my problem.
My phone company is run by Satan. I've spent the last freakin' month on the phone with them about my services. What a fantastic nightmare they are! They tell me one thing and then they say another. Well, which is it? Who's telling the truth? And while we're at it, can you stop charging me double than what I'm supposed to be paying and give some decent dsl service???
I know I'm not the only person seduced by SBC's evilness. Many people I've talked to have had similar problems. I just can't accept their crap service and then be told that in order to correct what they've screwed up I have to pay them $100 to have a technician come in and fix it! Sod that.
While I've got a great job going on here in Chicago, I've been checking out unis again overseas (old habits die hard). We'll see how things go but I'm looking to make my next trip over to europe in the early summer sometime (late may, early june). Can't wait to see everyone. Hope all is well the world over!
Excess is the new moderation.
-Imogen Heap