13 September 2007


Who knew nice, cool people existed in the office? My last job was torture due to a few nasty women placed frighteningly close to my desk. Argh. The mundane slow madness brought on by ongoing conversations of ghetto puerto rican slang/ebonics. I think this woman was bi-polar, actually. It would explain a lot if that were the case.

But NOW. Now, I'm in a really, really lovely place and I actually am busy and involved with my building! It is so rewarding. And totally refreshing to have people surrounding me who are helpful and nice. Nice. It makes a big difference.

I even have a better attitude towards commuters and I never thought that was possible. But then again, I am traversing up a less busy street and don't have to deal with thousands of people streaming at me in the bright early sunlight. However, I think my hatred towards Chicago's commuters has been thrust upon my loving bf. He has been transformed by rage due to the "deplorable slime." Or y'know. He's just a bit more cranky towards them. Poor guy.

Anywho. Ho-hum. Things are alright at the moment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now now. Last Friday, I would have pointed out that the "deplorable" quote was surely taken out of context. That in fact the love I feel for my fellow humans is infinite, and that I feel good will towards all creatures under the sun (except perhaps mosquitoes and one or two other diminutive types). Of course, today is a Monday. So to Hell with the rest of the world.

4:05 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Yeah! To hell with them! Let 'em rot. Let's start up a commuting gang! *giggle*

11:21 AM  

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