09 August 2007


I envy those people who can make decisions and feel happy and satified with them without wanting to change their minds every other single second like me. I could blame it on that Pisces thingymajobber that I am (if you believe in Astrology).

I am extremely indecisive and it is pissing people off. Last weekend I was asked to go to NYC and see a famous dj play in Central Park sometime soonish. "Yeah, let's do it!" I said, quite gung-ho. "But wait," I stalled, "How much is the ticket there and back? How much is the concert? The hotel?" I was explained to that it was all a very reasonable price and everything would be cool.

So today I'm looking at flights.

"Hey! The flight to NY is [such amount]. It arrives at LaGuardia...Oh! You're going there, too? Wicked. I'll buy the flight soon."

2 hours of stalling goes by whilst working and talking to bf. My gut isn't quite into the NY thing as it probably should be. I go to buy the flight after sending a text to friends letting them know I'll "see you in NY!" But my cheapy flight was bought. Was it wrong that I was somewhat relieved? It might be because these friends and I had a little tift over the weekend and everything was not as "cool" as they said it was.

"Oh no! My cheapy flight was bought! Did you know, I've been calculating stuff up. It's gonna cost me like [large amount] for 2 days in NY."

"So, you're not going to go? It's cool. You don't want to hang out with us last weekend and now you don't want to go to NY after just telling us that you were going to?"

Now, I could offer up a lot of excuses but what this person just said is the absolute truth. I am a total tard at the moment. There are several reasons probably worth mentioning but I won't. Bottom line is that I have a bad feeling about this whole situation with everyone and as the old lady in my office said, "Go with your gut. It's not meant to be. They're probably just pissed that your going to save [large amount] and they have to pay more. But they already had the stuff booked before inviting you so who cares? They'll get over it. And if they don't, oh well."

Stupid indecision. For once the old woman is right, I reckon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a problem buying plane tickets too. I just can't commit a month or two in advance. So I wait and wait and wait until the plane ticket goes up in price and the only flight has 3 stops and a 4 hour lay over. Then I kick myself for not buying the ticket earlier.

Good stuff.

8:30 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

It's nice to know I'm not alone on this! I totally understand the waiting thing and the frustration of apparently 10 stops with just as many layovers on last minute flights.

The thing is, I went back and saw there was a more affordable flight available but my heart just isn't into it.

Too many things going on this month.

8:54 AM  

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