01 August 2007

Pigeon This

Like most people, I suspect, I have a soft spot for animals. When it comes to domestic pets I enjoy the fatter ones. Like cats and dogs. Gotta be fat. So fat they wobble when they walk. Jiggly action prominent, I adore (by the way, this does not apply to humans). No, I wouldn't stuff them with food unwillingly like those poor duckies for their apparently tasty but un-pc fois gras. But I would give them hefty and healthy portions. Because let's face it. The majority do not like bone-stick skinny pets. Do they? Do they? (Except those weirdos who give love to greyhounds. Those things are eerie. But each to their own).

Ahem. Moving on. On the weekend whilst moving some of my junk from one place to another I saw a pigeon dying in an alley. I think I've mentioned before that I like birds. In Sydney I actually had a couple of budgies (aka parakeets) named Walter and Speedy Gonzales. They didn't love me as much as I loved them because one day they flew out my window that I had accidentally left opened and before my eyes I watched Speedy smack head first into the opposite skyrise flats. It was a sad day.

Back on track. This pigeon made me quite upset. The poor thing was walking in half-hearted circles as one of its wings didn't seem to function any longer. I wanted to save it but was due to my apartment to move stuff and I wasn't sure if I should touch it because according to everyone in the world that I know (or is this just me?) pigeons have got a bad rep. Flying rats, I believe they are commonly referred to as. I take it this is due to being disease-riddled. Or so it is said.

So I left. Without helping the pathetic creature. On arrival back from across the City, I walked through the alley and saw the pigeon. Dead. Keeled over and starting to be attacked by flies already. Guilt-stricken, I looked around desperately to see if there was somewhere we could bury it. "Bf, should be bury it?" I asked a bit panicky. Instead bf tried to pick it up with some wire but couldn't so he just picked it up with two fingers and threw it in the nearest dumpster.

Oh, dear. I felt a bit sick. I suppose the dumpster was a bit better than rotting in the alleyway for all to see but I still felt a bit upset about it lying next to all that crap. Was worried about bf actually touching it but he went to wash his hands. That poor pigeon. But honestly, what could I have done? Taken it to a vet? Who does that?

Still. I can't get the image of that bird going round in sad half-circles as if dazed from a knock on the head. I think I need a holiday.


Blogger Justina said...

Don't feel too bad! I know you are a compassionate person and you would have helped that poor pigeon more if you had a chance! I used to think pigeons were cute; even wanted one as a pet. But then I lived in sublet room one summer that had a gang of pigeons just outside my window. They woke me up every morning. I grew to hate them. But after hearing your story, I'm reconsidering my position on our 'flying rat' friends! I might even join PETA!

9:42 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Pigeons are just gross. But they are animals, too, and when I see one hurt it hurts me a little as well.

But I've gotta toughen up! Maybe not to Godfather porportions but enough to be able to walk by a sick bird.

Thanks for the kind words, though. :)

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bert would've saved the Pigeon!

1:39 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Thank you, Anonymous. Clearly I am not up to Bert's saintly status. :)

7:26 AM  

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