26 June 2007


Holy cannoli, Batman. Chicago's been overtaken by Gotham. For the past few months the holy grail of Hollywood has been walking amongst us mere mortals whilst they shoot the sequel to that other recent B-man movie.

The bf and I glanced to our right one day in April and saw that an old bank building no longer in use was now Gotham's city hall. Then in May the downtown area was blocked off entirely when I was in a panic trying to retrieve my mobile (left accidentally in a cab and then dropped off very inconvienantly at the Hyatt at the opposite side of the city). No one was getting through according to the snotty PA, "We are having high speed car chase scenes being filmed. No one's getting through until 6am." And no amount of me growling, "How the fuck are people staying at the Hyatt supposed to get through? Eh? Eh? Tell me!" seemed to give any sway to letting me pass and pick up the phone. Bastards. It doesn't matter that we weren't really staying there. (By the way, I really did swear at the PA and said that. Bf will tell you. Honest. Usually I hate confrontation but panic changes me. Not into a raging beast-like but enough that I can swear at people. And tell white little fiblets.)

In the last two weeks, there's been a surge of the Beautiful People aka The Stars aka The Actors aka The Artists. They're camping out in (and I'm just being honest here, not jealous, mind) quite shabby digs. Their trailers are smaller than the trailers in the trailer park where my cousin lives. But these have big black stars on the front of trailer doors indicating where the "important people" are sleeping. Plus there's a whole trailer devoted to being a "school." And a whole effing lot in the Loop at Franklin and Washington Streets is filled with minute white vehicles and a whole lotta black cables. Lights, too.

I walk past there everyday on my way to work. I noticed one of the black stars said "Bale Double." And no sooner did I notice that then I crossed the street and saw a gorgeous specimen that looked quite possibly like the big B Double himself. He was triapsing across the street with a massive McDonald's coffee in his hand. I only mention the Double because yesterday I was walking past the trailer mecca on my way to the blueline and I almost got smacked in the face with the Double's door. It was definitely the McDonald's coffee guy. He said, "Oops, sorry!" then closed the door and walked down the street (towards McDonald's.) My forehead was only a few inches from the door so I was still a bit shocked but mumbled, "S'alright." The door was open and shut before I knew it, he was gone, and I was left standing rigid in the middle of the street for a couple of seconds.

Bloody Batman. It's nice the film industry appreciates Chicago but if I were one of the actors I'd petition for better places to stay in. I've heard hotels do quite nicely.


Blogger Justina said...

OMG!!! Fuck!!! I totally wanted to be an extra in the movie!!!! Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart!!!! OMG!!!! AAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!!

Kathryn, if you get the chance, please, please, please, pretty please take pictures of any of the actors or their beautiful doubles with MickeyDs and send them along to me!

Sorry, I love batman (and wolverine)!!!! How much you ask? Easy, go to my myspace page http://www.myspace.com/justinaashley (god, I can't believe I even have one and that I'm telling you about it! Oh, the shame....)

10:37 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Whoa nelly! Calm, Justina, calm. *giggle*

I'm sorry to tell you but I think it's too late to get photos. I walked past the Lot this morning and it seems that they are starting to clear out. Half of the effing trailers are gone. But if I run into any of them again I'll try to get a quick snap from my cell. Then mail it to you. :)

7:15 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Justina, you'll find this interesting. I just got off the phone with the director of the Batman sequel (found out it's called The Dark Knight), Christopher Nolan. He somehow got rolled over into my phone and was looking for the Director of Security because he was filming a scene on Wacker Drive (street where I work). It was exciting stuff, I tell you. He even asked for my name! *jumps up and down*

And I was totally wrong about the trailers taking off! They just moosied on out for a couple of days but are BACK. Oh Yeah. Will get photos later if I can.

3:56 PM  

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