12 June 2007


Just read this article. I'm not one to be frightened of travel, especially to a place so popular as Bali in Indonesia. However, I am definitely wary about this country.

Before leaving Australia, there was a big hoopla over the "Bali 9". 9 Australians had been caught smuggling drugs out of the country. Also, another big deal was made over Schapelle Corby, a young woman caught with drugs and possibly staying in a Balinese prison for the rest of her life. Now an Ozzie dj is in trouble. I can't figure out if these people are just unlucky, a bit daft, or full-on arrogant. It makes me worried. What if someone was innocent (as Schapelle Corby claims) and weed was planted on them unknowingly? That would suck.

Why are drugs such a Bad Thing in Asia, particularly the South East and Indo? Yes, they are harmful but do not the majority of people who consume them keep to themselves? I don't quite understand why it is a firing squad offence to be caught with a tiny bit of pot in one's pocket. What about legal drugs? Can one be prescribed vicodin in Bali? Or valium? Is that ok?

Thousands of tourists go to this island country day in and day out, I'm sure. I want to go there someday. It looks beautiful, hot, and exotic. But it's a bit disconcerting to think perhaps if I'm not super-careful I could get planted with something. I'm just being a worry-wart, perhaps. It's gotta be better than that last minute weekend get-a-way to Iraq, right?


Blogger Lee Bemrose said...

Bali is like Turkey for me. Glad I've been, won't go back. Tourism has corrupted the people and both places are pretty awful because of it. Far better places to go than Bali if all you are after are tropical beaches. buggered if I'll ever go back.

I have no idea why drugs are considered such a bad thing. Humans are just very silly. Governments collect taxes from killers like booze and tobacco but wage self-righteous war on other drugs. Go figure.

7:47 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

You're right. A lot of places down that way have been seriously corrupted by tourism. Have you ever read the book The Beach? Don't take notice of the crap film that optioned it. The actual book from Alex Garland is top-notch. In it he captures the obnoxious and nauseating effects mass tourism was having on Thailand in the mid-'90s. It's made me wary of those countries but I reckon it is something I have to experience at least once or I'll regret not doing it. Turkey's on the list, too.

Humans are silly. Silly geese. Silly is as silly does. Drugs bad? Perhaps but people shouldn't be imprisoned and killed because of them.

3:24 PM  

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