19 June 2007


It was a beautiful, sultry day last Sunday. I was a bit hungover but determined to enjoy a lovely day in my neighbourhood. I went to a cafe that I used to frequent but haven't in awhile. Recently it's been turned over to different management and I can really tell. Everything is a shade off. The servers seem high and forgetful. The coffee is a bit crap. And the food portions are not what they used to be. Overall, the relaxing little French cafe has been turned into a lackidaisical American one.

I ordered what I used to order under the last ownership: a mushroom and feta omlette with hashbrowns. After a long wait in a basically empty cafe the server took his fine time delivering my food and when he did he hesitantly pushed it at me as if he knew that it wasn't up to standards, good or otherwise.

His bloodshot eyes focused in on me and said, "Anything else?" I looked down at my barely there mushroom, spinach, and american processed cheese omlette with a spoonful of hash browns. I looked back up and cowardly said, "No."

Ok, it wasn't what I ordered. It wasn't enough to fill my rumbling hungover stomach. And still I couldn't muster up the courage to say, "I didn't order this. Please take it back and give me what I actually want. And while you're at it get yourself some visine and a redbull because my 90 year-old great aunt could've brought this to me faster."

Why, why, why can't I bring myself to berate people who disappoint me? While I seethe inwardly I can't help but think, 'Well, I don't want them to be embarassed and I'm just going to cause a scene. I'll just eat it and get over it and I won't come here again. But maybe they'll get it right next time? Oh dear, this isn't what I wanted..." But I just smile and choke down the unwanted food and give a nice tip and leave. Perhaps someday I'll get the guts to tell these wasted college kids to go stuff themselves, then walk out without leaving a tip or eating the food or even ordering for that matter.


Blogger Lee Bemrose said...

Ah. See, you really have to overcome that. It's not good for anyone, you lilly-livered sack of simpering shit :)

It is very liberating to send stuff back when it's not right and most good places will take it well. A stuff up is a stuff up. And I really refuse to tip when it's not deserved.

Then again the feeling of liberation can be addictive. GF's mother will sit down and within seconds will be all table-thumpy and, "Goddamnit where's my food this isn't what I ordered this place has goone right down the toilet!"

And we'll be, "Mom, they haven't even brought the menu. You haven't ordered. You've come over to our place for lunch."

5:23 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

That's funny. She sounds like a character. I like her.

I know! I've gotta grow a pair. When I'm with other people they just take charge and say, "No, this isn't what you want. Just give it back. Sir! Take this crap back and give her the good stuff." (In a slightly nicer way, obv).

Next time I don't receive what I requested I will swallow my fear of "causing a disturbance" and plunge head-long into welcomed dignity. I'll let you know.

8:46 AM  
Blogger Justina said...

Don't feel bad Kathryn! The reason you didn't send it back is because you didn't want to be rude! Embarrassing people in public is a faux pass that should be avoided as much as possible. (Although in this case you should have sent it back. But it sounds like everyone at the cafe was stoned and/or lazy so I'm not sure it would have been much improved after a second go ahead)

I'm a chump too, because I totally would have kept my mouth shut over voicing my opinion!

One thing I hate, hate, HATE, is going to dinner with people who always find fault in the food or the SERVICE. After listening to them bitch and complain either silently or publicly, I always wonder to myself "Would your mother slap you or spank you if you ordered her around the dinner table/kitchen"? Assholes!

12:05 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

But there's a difference between being rude and being a doormat. I'm horrible about not speaking up for myself in general and I'm looking to improve this. Not doing a good job, so far it would seem...

I agree that it is awkward and embarassing whilst dining with very vocal people who are a bit demanding and tactless towards wait staff. But in certain circumstances, such as this one, they would have been called for. I'm just a big fat wimp. But am working on it, ok? Thanks for the support, babe. :)

9:54 AM  

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