15 May 2007


Before getting involved in real estate I was studying Down Under to be a politician. Specifically I wanted to be a diplomat. Undergrad degree was in Political Science and then I was accepted to do a Masters in London but declined due to finances. I'm happy now that I'm not going to delve under into the dark, murky realm of politics. Corruption and evil and all that.

Speaking of corruption and evil and all that, I just read a lovely little article stating that Paul Wolfowitz is going to keep his job as President of the World Bank. Apparently Europe is dissatisfied with Mr. Wolfowitz's efforts and would like to see him kicked out but America still believes in him.

Well, the government, anyway. Good 'ol Connie has got the Wolf's back. But see, it's not helping his girlfriend get shady raises that Paul should be fired as President. What about this trifling matter of an illegal war in Iraq? Eh? He's the one who's helping to bankroll the whole effing operation. People are pissed off that his main squeeze's salary goes up $70,000 but what about the millions of people suffering and thousands dying due to America's 'freedom' being forced upon them?

Of course, it's the whole Bush Administration that should be sacked and thrown in jail. Congress is knee-deep in criminals. But that's how politicians roll, man. The slimy underbelly of Justice.

What would the world be like if Al Gore had won?


Blogger Justina said...

Well said Kathryn! That prick should be fired not for getting his girlfriend a raise (although it was enough to impeach Clinton! hmmmm....) but for being apart of the group of assholes from the Project for a New American Century that helped get us into this mess of TWO disastrous wars AND helping the World Bank continue to gouge third world countries for loans that they know they will never fully be able to pay back!!! I hope he is fired!

Another fucked up tidbit: how Attorney General Gonzales continues to deny all knowledge of or any role in the firing of 9 (it was 8 but they found the 9th lawyer last week) united states attorneys, putting the blame on former chief-of-staff, Kyle Sampson, and the newly departed Paul McNulty. How can anyone keep a straight face in this bullshit?! Hello, he's the NUMBER 1 ATTORNEY in the country, the buck stops at him!!! He didn't know?! BULLSHIT!!!!

I feel so much better when I let my political rage out! Keep up the good reporting Kathryn!

8:40 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Yeah, the PNAC is responsible for lots of dodgy deeds. Clinton was almost impeached for having *sex* with an intern but Bush is voted in for a second term for starting an illegal and immoral war...hmm...doesn't make much sense.

Of course, you know my stance, I don't believe it's really Bush so much as his cronies in the Admin.
He's definitely played his part, though.

I imagine the PNACs sitting around the Oval Office smoking Cuban cigars and drinking brandy laughing, "How can we fuck with the world today and get richer?" *Guffaw Guffaw* with lots of elbowing and smirks.

8:17 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

*voted in for a second term and had started* (not for).

8:19 AM  

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