04 December 2007


Lately I have been having odd dreams. Most people don't like it when others talk about their dreams because they are abstract and no one understands them. I can see that. But c'mon, they can be so silly, nice, or weird that you gotta tell someone.

Such as the happy one where I give up having to work and become a freelance writer, travelling the world at a happy pace and living off my advances and royalties (Actually, that is a dream I have when I'm awake so it probably doesn't count). Very yummy. Or the really scary one of holding a massive Chicago skyscraper up with my hands and then letting it crash to the ground because I caught a glimpse of shiny red shoes at the Gucci shop across the street.

Last night I was sitting on an iceberg in the middle of the Arctic Ocean or Somewhere Else that has icebergs. And I was wondering how the hell I was going to get off the thing when all of a sudden I'm at a carnival in Brazil shaking my gonzagas and doing the chacha with an 8 foot gorilla. Then a high school chum I haven't seen in yonks throws a cream pie in my face and I roll down a hill into an airplane that's been hijacked and I'm going down! Down, I tell you! But just as I'm about to hit the water and die a disasterous and water-logged death I wake up and realize that I'm in bed and it is only 4am.

So, yes, those are the types of dreams I've been having lately. If they aren't somehow apocalyptic they are dancing with gorillas and travel. It's a crazy dream world I live in. They keep me entertained but christ, are they odd...gorillas indeed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! You have such good dreams. I love to hear about these kinds of nocturnal adventures. They are like pretty baubles, or directions to a secret place. It's also neat that you dream about apocalyptic things like falling skyscrapers and hijacked planes...

1:34 AM  
Blogger Lee Bemrose said...

I had a dream about a friend who is a good person and who I've blogged about once before but... twice before but who I don't really know all that well. It was a very nice dream. Told The dreaded One about it. Haven't seen this person in ages and I have absolutely no idea where this dream came from.

But last night at the Shpongle/Hallucinogen gig that The Dreaded One and I ended up going to on a whim, who should be there? She was about the third person I said hello to. It was nice and a bit spooky but mainly nice because I think there is a friendly vibe going on.

However I enjoy the dreams that scare the shit out of me as much as the ones that are good.

9:16 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Are you talking about the glorious Ula? Dreams are a little freaky sometimes...I once had a horrible dream that a good friend got pregnant and then the next month she was...

I agree, the scary dreams are usually as good or weird as the lovely ones. My dreams are super vivid and I always remember them.

I'd like to see Shpongle! :)

1:44 PM  
Blogger Justina said...

This is an interesting thread! I'm now inspired to write about my dreams, which of late have all involved actors of some sort. The one with Heath Ledger was particularly interesting. And the one with Colin Farrell.

Oh. Wait. Was I awake when I had those dreams?! Oops!

No. I actually did dream about them! And those movies would have made some great scripts!

12:01 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Yes, I'd love to hear about your dreams, Justina! :)

12:27 PM  

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