23 February 2007


“Coffee?” The server didn’t even need to ask. The coffee pot descended and filled two cups. “Lemme know when you’re ready to order.” She sashayed back and forth down the aisle of booths.

“Wicked play, hey?” I asked A. We laughed and discussed the play we had just come from moments earlier. The server reappeared tapping her pen impatiently and we ordered. Conversation smoothly transitioned onto the paranormal and then onto the ever rocky topic of religion.

“I’m agnostic.” I stated.

“I’m atheist.” He stated. “Why are you agnostic?”

“I don’t believe in the Bible. And I don’t believe in any particular religion, either. I don’t know what comes next.”

“Why does anything have to come next?”

“Because I feel uncomfortable with the thought that there’s nothing left after we die.”

“But why is that uncomfortable?”

“Well, half of me wants to believe in an afterlife where things in this world cease to exist and everything is fine and dandy beyond. The other half is logical and says that there is no proof of an afterlife. Why am I uncomfortable with that?”

“Because you’re afraid. People fear the unknown, don’t they?”

“That’s it! But if you think about it…if there is nothing after death and the mind dies along with the body…how would we know there’s nothing else? If we no longer exist…then it doesn’t matter!”

A smiled at me and nodded, “There you go.”


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