21 April 2008

Insert foot in mouth

This weekend kicked off the first of many summery-type ones filled with sunshine, music, food, and alcohol aka The Festivals. Saturday I went to see my favorite dj at the moment, Bassnectar. The venue was decked out in loads of colors and artful hangings. The atmosphere was peaked with the excitement this dj always illicits. And he was good. I think I've seen better before, not completely mind-blowing but good. Definitely danceable. I got a nice photo of Bassnectar really going for it and with his hair down he looks like a dirty yeti grinding beats together.

After being on the dancefloor with my girlfriends for awhile I made my way back up to the bar to get a drink and hug the bf. As I neared the bar I saw him and our friend, JHoward, standing with two cute girls and chatting. One girl was particularly interested in my bf but I didn't mind. I went up to them and said hi then talked to the girl for awhile and we danced for a little bit before she and her friend took off. She was nice.

The next day we were feeling a bit fragile and out of it in the late morning when a friend rings and says we should hit the Lincoln Park Zoo and see Bassnectar again. Bf and I rally ourselves and walk a mile to the smallish but beautiful zoo. Once there I felt like we were entering a strange dimension. I could see tons of little kids and parents but they were walking along-side blantant hippies* with organic clothes, dreds, and pipes in hand towards the pulsating sounds of music further into the zoo.**

When Bassnectar took the stage he looked much cleaner with his long yeti-ish hair back in a bun. He said, "We have so much to be grateful for." And at that moment I felt grateful. For everything. I am really happy with my life right now and have realized how thankful I am for this.

There I was bouncing around when I see a girl working her way into the crowd. I thought it was a girl I met at a different party a couple of weeks ago. She knows me, too. We greet each other warmly then I ask her if she wants to go find my friends who are getting drinks. The sun is shining down brightly and the music is thumping. Life is fantastic. We make our way to the drink area and I introduce her, "Hey! This is Kat. I met her at Resonate." The girl looks a little confused then says, "Actually, I'm Amy. We met last night." Realization dawned on me like a softball chucked at my head. Oh....yeah. The girl who liked bf and we had a little dance with. Er... "Haha. Er, yeah. Sorry, I sometimes do that." My friends look around awkwardly for a moment but then everyone starts talking and she's nice and sticks it out for awhile before saying she wanted to get back to the stage.

When she's good and gone my friends bust up laughing and I'm red from embarrassment. Great. Oh, well! Off for more dancing and getting happy in the sun, then a pub with food and lots of laughing. Overall, it was an awesome weekend. Can't wait for the next. I just hope I can remember who is who when I meet new people.

*Not saying hippies are bad. But filthy ones should wear deoderant and take showers at least every other day if they can't do it every day. That is all.
**Psst. Just to clarify, am not hippie.


Blogger Kathryn said...

Also, just wanted to add how great it was that Bassnectar dedicated his last song to Dick Cheney. Lyrics along the lines of, Want to send you to another place. Gonna send you to outer space. I'm not sure I would've been as nice. Fuck Off, you wanker is more like it. But am a sweary person, see, and not as talented as Bassnectar.

1:25 PM  
Blogger Heidi F said...

I agree..Hippies need to shower and wear deodorant. Natural body odor is disgusting!

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worship Max Romeo & The Upsetters' 1976 "I Chase the Devil" (produced by Lee Scratch Perry), as well as the 1977 Lee Perry & Full Experience dub version entitled "Disco Devil". Either version, and every sample that pops up in a reggae/jungle/dubstep/breaks track or set, sends shivers up my spine.
In 2006, the day after the November elections, I had a dream in which I was with a group of people, and "I Chase the Devil" came on. The song had a history for me of playing at strange moments-- at the time I owned no copy of it, and I didn't know anyone who did (actually, I didn't even know its name). In my dream, I announced "wow, that is so strange that that song came on." Due to completely unforeseeable events, I heard "I Chase the Devil" a half hour later. I said, "that is so strange that that song came on!"

2:20 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Heidi- Tell that to Matthew McConaughey or whoever. :)

Graham- Very odd. Is that why you went to Jamaica a couple months later?

P.S. It's a good song.

2:55 PM  
Blogger Lee Bemrose said...

What is home broker all about? Funny.

But yeah - that who-the-fuck-is-this-talking-to-me thing. It gets out of control.

(I think I am a hippie trapped in city skin).

10:17 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Um, hello Home Broker. How are you? Are you into breaking houses? Jack-hammer like? Or is this a language barrier thing and what you mean to say is Home Wrecker? If this is the case then you needn't bother. My home is not in need of being wrecked right now. Am happy at the mo, see? But thank you for the nice stuff about my blog. Speaking of blogs, where exactly, is yours? I did try your link but it says that it has been taken off blogger. I can only assume that you tried to be a Home Broker to someone on the Blogger Team and they have now sought revenge by removing your blog. Perhaps, you should start a new one under a less threatening name? So. Yes. Hello.

Quick- Do you shower? It is ok if you're a hippie and you remember to shower. It's the filthy hippies that make me want to chuck boxes of soap at their heads. And only because we seem to enjoy the same music and I have to dance near them. Otherwise I wouldn't give a fig.

11:36 AM  

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