It was a perfect, sunny May morning. Like so many others. The phone is ringing in the sun-drenched kitchen. She picks it up and listens to the other two speakers.
" on her throat today. We'll let you know how it goes." She places the phone back into the receiver and pads out the door, backpack and hair swinging carelessly.
The day sails by smoothly; everything is great. There is a festival going on with lots of singing, dancing, running amok outside and playing ball. She looks at the clock at 2:55pm and is filled with undescribable happiness. Tears would spill down her face if she were capable of creating them. A rush of tingling warmth sweeps through her being acutely and she leans into it with obvious bliss.
She steps off the bus and walks to the car. The afternoon sun is pin-pricking the shade of full-bloomed maple trees. The air is sweet and fresh with a light breeze rolling about. She opens the car door and he says, "We lost her. We lost her."
Bottles clinking together as liquid is flushed down sinks, the evening sunset casts a melancholy glow upon the once happy kitchen. She holds his head in her lap as he weeps.
That is a beautiful piece of writing. Read it several times. Very moving.
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Thank you. A day of remembrance and all that.
So glad you were moved by it.
Oh, Petal
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