17 April 2007


Due to the effing CTA I now ride the bus home in the evenings from work. And they're almost always horrifically overcrowded. Smelly, too.

Last night I was on this particular bus choppily making it's way down Lake Shore Drive. Driver kept putting the pedal to the metal and then slamming on the brakes whilst everyone was thrown violently forward. Cries of "Damn you!" and "Hey, I'm standing here asshole!" were rife. Seriously thought a mutiny was gonna take place and had mental images of passengers throwing the unhappy and uncaring CTA employee off the (still-moving) bus and taking it over pirate-style (ooh, pirate-style! I quite like the sound of that...aye..).

Anyway, I looked over towards the big window and someone sitting there had written in massive capitals 'POOP'.

It looked freshly written. I hadn't seen that when I first got on. My face cracked into a wide grin and I didn't care if other passengers thought I was a laughing loon. Yes, yes, sure, quite immature but it made my ride home a lot better...lighter, in fact.

'POOP'. *Giggle*


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