06 April 2007


Mmm, yes. Chocolate. Lots of it. Easter = chocolate, no? This is the holiday based on confectionary goods such as jelly beans and peeps and a massive bunny hiding it's eggs for little children, so I've heard (is it just me or is there something slightly disturbing about this?).

Oh wait...it's something to do with that Jesus guy, isn't it? Well whatever, candy is a much more lovely reason for a holiday, methinks. Just as I'm typing, a lady in the office has handed me a neat little hot pink easter egg with cadbury chocolate inside it. Yes, Easter. Good holiday. Bad for teeth. Good for dentists.

Ok, am off on more sweet adventures to the family's this weekend. Shall report on any bunny sightings (psst! If I actually see a massive upright walking bunny, a real one, then this holiday has evolved significantly from it's origins and also, I shall run away quickly in opposite direction. If I see a massive upright walking bunny with a human inside of it then the commericialisation of Easter lives on, candy, eggs, little rugrats running amok, etc...).

Happy Confection-Consuming Holiday, people!


Blogger Justina said...

I just figured out that it was easter on my daily walk/whatever. I kept wondering why all these coffee shops and corner grocers' were closed on a Sunday when they are normally jam packed. It wasn't until I say today's date (April 8th) that it occurred to me that Jesus and the easter bunny were going to rise from the dead today and ascend to heaven sometime in the middle of the week (although I believe in the various powers that be, I'm sometimes lax to completely blaspheme on anything related to the Lord for fear of being struck down at a most inappropriate moment. God, that Christian guilt/bible thumping really does work! Because I've gone against my better sense (and judgment) to fear eternal damnation from a long haired jewish hippie who did some very fine charity work...c'est la vie!)

6:27 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Oh dear, do not fear the Jewish hippie...or eternal damnation. I'll probably be there to keep you company and who knows perhaps it'll just be a laugh? hmmm...

By the way, did not see any massive upright walking bunnies and am therefore very happy about the whole sweet holiday!

Also, I wouldn't feel guilty if I were you if you went out and bought yourself a celebratory Easter Basket. It is only right that you do so.

8:12 PM  

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