07 January 2006

Leaving on a Jet Plane

At 6 in the bloody morning (two days from now) I am leaving for London...again.

I'm very excited to go but not to spend the night in the freakin' airport. Now, I've slept in the airport a few times, once to go to Barcelona and another time to Berlin. Those flights were fortunately only an hour or two long. This one is 10 hours. See there's a stop-over in Washington D.C. I'm especially worried about taking the El so late at night to get there and what I'll sleep on, etc.

London. What can I say about this place? I've been trying to get over there since I was 6 and I watched Disney's Robin Hood. My torrent love-affair with the country climaxed when I moved there after visiting a few times in 2002. Then I moved to Australia.

I'm still trying to find a way to emigrate to England and leave America behind. Don't get me wrong, the States is still home since my family is here but you have to understand, I can't live here for long periods of time. I'm confused about that, too. So, perhaps after speaking with my old uni advisor I'll find a way. But in the meantime I'm catching up with friends and trying to have some fun after a rough four months.

And find new music (always important, re: previous posting). So I'm leaving on a jet plane and unfortunately, I know when I'll be back again.

Shortly departing for her 71st flight in her life.


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